Journey to the center of Mars: Underground lakes, large core and a radioactive crust?
Recently there has been many studies released by planetary scientists covering our closest neighbour, and my favourite planet, Mars! Covering everything from biosignatures, to interior make up, this past month has been full of interesting Martian News! Liquid water on Mars? Liquid water is one of the key biomarkers used when deciding if a planet could of sustained life. It is known that some time in its past Mars had vast oceans of liquid water however these no longer exist. Evidence for these oceans are widespread, from definitive features like lake beds and river deltas viewed from space by remote orbiters, and geological evidence gathered by rovers on the ground. For example in september of 2012, MSL Curiosity discovered evidence of "vigorous water flow" in gale crater. However, although there may be no liquid water visible, there might be whole lakes hiding just below the surface. This was first proposed back in 2018, when a ground-breaking (see what I did there!) paper w...